Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why is it that DOTA is your favorite game?

Hmmmm.... Well, for me it's really obvious to say that DOTA is my favorite game. Eversince I made this blog just to share something about it in the internet, to people who are also into DOTA games addicted and to the world that might be more updated about DOTA allstar game. That's the essence of being my favorite game which DOTA is very interesting and very addicting game. You can resist other thing but this game you can not resist when you are addicted to it. Sounds bad terms (addicted) but that's the term of being die hard of playing this game. You can not resist because you are addicted to it right? So, I can say this game is your favorite at the same time you are addicted to it.

Let me tell you something that you can realize. Have you been played this game since you are in high school or college year. I'm sure until you are still looking for this game anywhere or anytime from where you are from now. I mean even you old enough or you are now a professional. You have work and the same time you are fond of games. So, I'm sure your favorite is still DOTA right? Since you are in school you are already addicted to it that's mean until now you are still play this game. Right? So, did you realized now? let me guess, yes! :)


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